Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Even though I had to SPRINT to catch my bus this morning

I hopped on the bus with good spirits, in a good mood and just all around re-evaluating myself. I fall short in some places but who doesn't. I feel like in relationships I have been jaded but at the same time I never really felt the rush or pressure to HAVE to be in a relationship. I always figured I am to young to be all caught up in a relationship and thinking about marriage and life long commitments with people. Most people I came across ESPECIALLY females felt like I was just bitter because of my past relationships and others just said "GOSH YOUR SUCH A GUY!" but I truly don't see anything wrong with what I was saying. I am not saying I am swearing off marriage or committing myself to someone but I won't be pressured in to a relationship simply because its the thing to do or because all of my other friends are "bunned" up. Nope not me. I say all that to say this... I am in my 20's, I am not looking to get married right now, I want to be happy with myself and where I am in life before I commit myself to someone...and thankfully I am not the only one that thinks this way. Here is a blog I came across from a fellow Downelinker:

Okay, my head hurts.. really.. we need to change this site from "downelink" to "HEADACHELINK" cuz i'm reading these blogs and I feel like slitting my freakin wrists already!!!! You all are complaining about some woman that did you wrong. Ok.. news flash.. they all do you wrong!! Hush.. I'm worried about summa u... REALLY! Summa you ain't but 20, 22.. just got breasts last week... yo.. you forget, but there's one that has changed since we figured out how to make fire... you live the best part of your life in your TWENTIES!!!!!! YO.. stop being in the big ass hurry to get HITCHED, UHAULED, SOULMATED-UP, SHACKED-UP, FUCKED-UP with no one... seriously. And I mean, if you've hit 2 or 3 hard core relationships (use your own judgement).. then yo.. give it a break and concentrate on ummm.... i dk... YOU!!!! If you haven't already, you *should* have started / cycled / organized some type of self-sufficient business .. umm.. before you hit 22. I'm only saying this cuz I read another blog that addressed a serious issue.. our divide. Ladies.. as a community of educated, powerful, strong black women... why the hell don't we own more stuff? Why the hell don't we own the bars we party in?!?!?!?? Why the f'k are we still shoppin in Old Navy?!?!!? Why the hell are we still buying, listening and supporting STRAIGHT ARTISTS (go check out myspace for Lesbian artists and see who you come up with.. do you know them?) Stop being sheep... focus.. there be lots and lots and lots of time to enjoy both women and life down the road, but for now.. get your Super Woman on.. besides, it's way more attractive for a younger woman (you'll only ever obsess over younger women once u get older..*shrug*...hush ) to date an older hot RICH woman... TRUST ME.. it's nice when she can fly you to WHEREVER and it's not hurting the bank account..

Thank you LYT3Z ? - 3rLyantly™ you have reassured me that I am not the ONLY one that isn't caught up in getting hitched....I'm sorry but some lesbians are too caught up in being paired up and loved then worrying about being happy with themselves...CMON LADIES LETS DO US before We DO SOMEONE ELSE!

1 comment:

Adriana said...

Hmmm okay... I agree no need to rush... I believe in getting educated and getting a career going and working on yourself is great. NOW personally (lol) I don't wanna fly anyone anywhere no matter how much I'm making I want to be flown....or fly myself I have come to realize I like to be taken care of but still be able to do things for myself (hence the reason I am in school) and take care of my family as a partner ... then again I am not young and single ... so there goes that

What I do not get is what does "supporting straight artist" have to do with doing you? you like who you like not because of their sexual preference correct? Like how did this even come up in the conversation?