Tuesday, March 10, 2009

**sigh** here we go ...

Out of all the articles that are out there now about Chris Brown and Rihanna, this one is by far the one that actually had be thinking "Damn...maybe Breezy should of left her a long time ago..."

I was surfing through www.necolebitchie.com and she writes and interesting article...blog whatever you want to call it. Check it out: 

Last week while posting information found in Rihanna’s police report, I stated that media outlets have been purposely leaving out important details of the story causing holes that didn’t add up. It looks as though those details are now emerging.

New Details Surrounding Police Report
Contrary to what sites like TMZ had previously reported, Rihanna did not tell police that she was the victim of “escalating violence.” TMZ reported: “Multiple enforcement sources tell TMZ, the night of the attack Rihanna told cops she was the victim of escalating violence — and the perp was Brown.”However, a source involved in the investigation tells Hollyscoop exclusively that in the reports, Rihanna confessed there has only been two other incidences in which she felt threatened, but this was the first time Chris retaliated. Rihanna told investigators that the first incident occurred in Europe three months ago. It was a verbal dispute, which led to Rihanna slapping Chris Brown. In self-defense, Chris put her up “against the wall” and told her to calm down.

The second incident occurred when the couple was visiting Rihanna’s family in her native Barbados back in August 2008. She described the incident as a verbal dispute, and added that no one was assaulted. According to the source involved in the investigation, the night of the alleged attack, Rihanna attacked Chris after reading a text message sent to him by a former lover.

The situation escalated and resulted in Chris’ alleged attack on Rihanna. Chris turned himself over to the LAPD on February 8 and was booked and later released on $50,000 bail.

The Call for Help
Although initial reports suggested that a female made the call to police, according to the report, it was a Rabbi who lives in the area. The unidentified man reportedly heard the confrontation outside and called 911, not knowing he was about to make a report about R&B’s biggest stars. He came outside when he heard shouting. “She was screaming out of control and he was extremely calm,” read his statement, adding that Rihanna “was not screaming for help, she was just screaming.”

TMZ, the main culprit of this lop-sided story updated their website this weekend with this tidbit of information.

We’re told Brown’s people have consulted with outside legal eagles — including law school professors — who have said Rihanna’s own aggressiveness takes it out of the felony category. Sources say Rihanna was the first one to strike — slapping and striking Brown “numerous times” while he was driving, after seeing the text message from another woman.

In no way am I placing the blame on Rihanna even though she shouldn’t have hit him first (especially while he was driving. They better be glad the both of them aren’t dead) However, Chris Brown should have never hit Rihanna back. In an interview with DJ Clue he revealed he has “laughed it off then walked away” in the past so what made this time different. The constraints of the car??

In most of the specials I’ve seen on domestic violence since this ordeal began, I noticed the focus was more on women who need to leave an abusive relationship, however I think a good topic for discussion is not only explaining to the man that if he finds himself in one, he should walk away but also explaining how. If you have a son who’s getting hit, scratched, bit etc by his girlfriend you have to teach him that he can’t hit her back because he’s 10 times stronger, however if it gets to the point where he has to protect himself, how does he restrain her without hurting her? And lastly, it just shows that men can be in abusive relationships too but if they stay, they are just as much at fault as a woman that stays in one. One day he will pop her back….and he will go to jail.

This brings up a good point, what does the male do when he is the one being abused? It seems that society doesn't feel too bad for the man in this situation because he is stronger then the woman...ok thats good and great but when a woman is smacking you up constantly, your going to reach a point where you want to back hand the heffer! I'm not one for domestic violence in no way shape or form and I've had my share of experiences looking in to and being in those type of relationships and nothing good ever comes of it. Both of you end up with black eyes talking about "I'm sorry I popped your eye...but you know I love you right?!"...."I'm sorry I kicked you in the balls...I love you too!!!" its sickening! The worst part is that some woman take advantage of a man with good home training, they flip out start smacking em up and then sooner or later that man snaps and yokes her up one good time and BAM 911 is knocking! thats not fair! see those type of women...I'm sorry to say it but those type of women need to get a good smack but once that is done the man in that situation needs to leave, walk away from that relationship bc brother its only going to end bad for you! Look at Chris Brown's career...poor bastard didn't even realize how bad this would get...as for Rihanna...oh Rhi Rhi why couldnt you just walk away...WHY GET BACK TOGETHER?! Let's pray that these acts of violence don't continue to escalate. 

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