Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Miss Charm Says...

Someone hand me 50 tissues for each State with a NON-Barack supporter

It’s been a long time. I shouldn’t have left you. WITHOUT some dope words to step to..LOl anywaysssssssssssssssss..Isnt it so sad yalll? I watched a terrible video the other day..(please watch if you haven’t..When you are a young kid you don’t really think of how bad discrimination or ignorance is. What the hell is going on with the world? Why the hell do people assume that Barak is a Muslim> and if he what? If he was to convert to a Muslim today or tomorrow would that make him any less of candidate for President of the f’ed up states of America? One should be happy that a descent educated black man would even want to represent this land that enslaved his ancestors.. PShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…like my friend always says “What a travesty …” Isn’t it? Im sure if Barack ‘s other parent was Caucasian..(Which would make him “white enough”) everyooooooooooooooooone would want him for President! The credentials are there. People are just so pathetic and they’re doing a bad job at reasoning why he shouldn’t be president. This is no it just a Republican thing. There are even poor Caucasian Democrats who simply do not want him for president for one simple factor. Ahmemmm….can we say West Virginia?? Cuz His skin isn’t white…isn’t that tragic? They might as well go around with shirts that say.. “Oh yeah hey I’m a Democrat but um..this year Ill vote for the Republican candidate because even though the Democrat Candidate (Barack) is smart, educated , trying o make a change,,hes ummm yeah ,yah know…not Caucasian..” That is what all who are being prejudice against Barack should simply say..ya know? Instead of making excuses about him being a Muslim….. C’mon now.. What has this world come to???

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