SoldierLover says: NO WAY! How do you think Abe feels right now? Besided thats just giving people more money or less depending if we only round up or can round down! Think about it pennys add up! We'd be giving away MILLIONS of dollars every year to businesses! Plus dont we already have enough pennys circulating to do the job? so who needs new ones? How about just makeing them every 3-5 years? that way it cuts back on the costs or make them out of something cheaper and color them. Poor ABE!
iluvtehfishes says: No we shouldn't. What if something is $ pay $7.55...what are you going to get back if there are no pennies?!? The pennies balance things out and pennies add up after awhile. Oh, and I pick up every penny I find unless it's covered in mud or something.
Randy G says: Yea, why do we have the penny? Other countries have gotten rid of their low valued coins -- so why not the US?Most transactions take place electronically anyway, so physical money might be on the way out.
jmann says: the government has been trying for years to get rid of the penny. truth be told they can not find a way to do it, it is essential to commerce. everything would instantly become more expensive ( i doubt a company would round down a price)
so what do you think?
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