"send this to ten people in two minutes and God will have a miracle waiting for you at home" or
"You have been blessed my an angel...(with a picture of an angel on it looking innocent and sweet with words underneath saying) send this to ten of your closest friends and they will be blessed with a phone call they have been waiting for!" or my favorite..."You can send dirty text messages but will you forward this message from God...if you don't you have no faith!"
well I am sick of them! Their all lies! I never want to send them and I sure as heck fell guilty when I don't thinking " Oh crap...is God going to think I don't believe in him or my faith is gone because I didn't send it?!" Then I worry about going to hell and the whole 9 yards. So I think God didn't send this to me personally so why should I bother? but the guilt pretty much takes over and I suck it up and send it continuing a retarded chain letter that was probably started by some atheist to see how gullible people are. I received a text message yesterday and I was so fumed when I sent it that I asked myself...why even send it! so I just forwarded it to the last ten people I text before I received that stupid text and one person actually sent me back a text that made so much sense to me and answered every question and doubt I had in my head. THANKS CLIFFORD! she feels that these type of chain letters are like an ultimatum and it doesn't determine your faith bc your faith is in your heart and so with that the only one that can see whats in your heart is God! SO BAM! NO MORE GUILT FOR ME! I am FREE! thanks! yeah yeah I know but your gay your going to hell anyway...but you know what...my take is...I have a relationship with God and my sexuality doesn't have anything to do with that. It doesn't effect how much I love or have faith in God so why am I going to hell? bc in my heart I have a love for women...yeah OK so in the bible it says Man shouldn't lay with man or something like that (man being man kind) but there are plenty of things in the bible that don't apply to us now and I am positive that Christians don't practice that anymore. This can lead in to a whole other blog but I won't get in to that until I get more answers...at the end of the day I don't think I am going to hell bc for one He made me...and from my recollection I have been gay since I can remember (I am talking since I was a kid) so if all children are innocent than how is it that some kids know they are gay from the jump? does that mean that those kids go to hell? no see its all just how you interpret the bible and no one is really going to know what happens in the end and where anyone goes until you are dead...I don't think anyone should determine or make you feel guilty or that your worshiping God any less by your sexuality. That to me is wrong... anyway that subject is pretty touchy for me I don't know how we got in to that one...but anyway I felt I had to write about this chain letter thing because it was annoying me since yesterday!
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