Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sometimes I just Want to Hide...

and this is the perfect chair for me!

The Sensory Deprivation Skull is a chamber of sorts in which you can sit and essentially cut yourself off from the world.

Created in 2007 by Joep van Lieshout of Atelier Van Lieshout, it's comprised of reinforced fiberglass, measures 150 cm tall by 110 cm long and 137 cm wide and is available in a limited edition of 10.

so how much is this great creation? Well I can't seem to find a price on it but being that there are only 10 of those bad boys... I would say its at least a grand...BBOOO!

Just hand me my Ipod, a pizza, a pen and paper and I am good to go...oh yeah...a light would help too!

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