"Its been a long time.... i shouldnt of left you..."
with out a dope thought you can think to... haha
so its been a while... im not sure how long... i didnt bother to check the last time i wrote here. does anyone even check this thing?
anyway a lot has happened and well... i would say that im in a different place in my life...
everyone has to grow up sometime huh? guess it was my time. I gotta say, its not so bad. Sure sometimes you have to sell tickets to a concert youve been waiting months to see... or pass up on a trip outta state to take care of bigger concerns....but then you have the flip side.
you see that life is more than just drinks, parties and selfish desires... its about RENT BILLS AND LIFE. lol sounds bad but the reality is ... you gain your independence.
now with that indepence you also gain 100 lb weights ...called responsibilty. you cant have the independence wihttout the responsibility, sorry thats just not the way life works. now you try to FRONT like you have the independence and hide from some of your responbilities well then let me be the first to tell you....YOUR ONLY FOOLING YOURSELF. and with that said... at the age of 25 im cutting the shit, no time to lose... hows that song go? "no time for fake ones" cuz really who has the time to deal with someone who has two faces ? sometimes you dont even see the second face until you've already invested time in getting to know that person... no thanks i dont have time for it. how about you wait right here ... do what you do... while i make these moves...collect this money... make someething of myself and if your here when i get back... ill say whats up? lol.
alright bishes my mind is clearing up and the office is on... lemme holla at this when my mind is right. thanks for welcoming me back...DEUCES
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